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We've always been committed to keeping you safe and healthy.
We are continually seeking guidance from the CDC and various dental organizations regarding the best practices to implement during this pandemic in order to reduce the risk of viral transmission for everyone in the office. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, we were already practicing stringent infection control techniques. We would like to share what we are doing in addition to that to keep you and our team safe in our new world.
The CDC's latest lift on the mask mandate does NOT apply to medical care facilities. Patients and visitors in our office must continue to wear a mask, regardless of their vaccination status.
Our office will communicate with you before your appointment and may ask some screening questions. You may be asked those same questions again, and may have your temperature checked, when you are in the office. Please tell us if you have: fever, shortness of breath, dry cough, runny nose, sore throat, headaches, fatigue or weakness, lost sense of taste or smell or if you have been in close contact with anyone who has these symptoms or has tested positive for or suspected of having COVID-19.​
Whenever possible, appointment times have been scheduled in such a way to maintain social distancing. Plan your trip to the office so that you arrive as close to your appointment time as possible (not too early, not too late). Upon arrival at the office, you may come inside the waiting area to check in. Or, if you prefer, you may stay in your car and call our office at (360) 293-8451 to check in.
Unless essential, patient escorts will be asked to remain outside the office while you are receiving care. A parent may accompany a young child who is receiving care, but siblings will be asked to remain outside the office.
Expect to see us using additional personal protective equipment during treatment, including various styles of masks and face shields.
We continue to use the high evacuation devices we have always used to minimize the aerosols generated.
We screen the health of all team members prior to work each day.
Thank you for your patience and understanding while we implement these new safety measures. As we continue to monitor the latest developments, we will adjust our procedures accordingly. Like you, we look forward to the day when improved safety measures and awareness bring about healthy change for everyone.
Feel free to contact our office at (360) 293-8451 or if you have any questions or would like more information regarding your next visit.
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